APRIL 2021 Students of the Month
Walker Woodall - 9th grade
"Walker has been a stand out in Biology since Day 1. He loves plants! It's a biology teacher's dream! He is outgoing and brave. He likes to use his microphone to ask questions and talk, rather than the chat. He shares what is going on in his life, which makes him special to me. He is hard working and conscientious and helpful. I am fortunate to have him in my Biology class."
-Ms. Bartick, Science
"Walker has been a really great kid to have in class since the first day of the semester. He shares his thoughts and reactions in class, we talk together about his out of school hobbies and sports, and he has given me gardening tips to help revive my monstera plant. I really enjoy having him, the class would feel very empty and lonely if walker was not part of class! He is an enthusiastic artist too, and always is trying his best and practicing and improving his skills. All around great kid."
- Mr. Pray, Art
Walker is a joy to have in class! He energizes the room with kindness, humor, and a genuine enthusiasm for learning. Walker brings passion and personal insight to class conversations, and his wit and intelligence is evident in all assignments. Walker asks hard questions, connects with course material, and leads by example with his work" ethic.
-Michelle Guerin
(Student Teacher with Ms. Magoffin)
"Walker has a calming and empathetic energy that he brings to our shared classroom space. He is engaged and deliberate with how he responds in class. Walker is a gem, beautifully communicating with a true desire to learn as an open-hearted person. And in addition to all of this, Walker has taught me a lot about keeping my plants alive, which is perhaps, the most remarkable feat of all!"
-Ms. Magoffin, English
The thing that I most appreciate about Walker is his compassion. He is truly kind to his classmates and his teachers. He collaborates well with his peers. He is conscientious. His great attitude contributed to a tone that made his zoom class fun, engaging, and rigorous."
-Ms. Summers, Ethnic Studies
Angel Martinez - 10th grade
"Angel has been a great leader in English this year. He gets conversations going, is 100% engaged at all times with his camera on, which has allowed us all to experience a variety of hair styles and cereal choices. Angel is thoughtful and kind, as he never shies away from difficult discussions or topics covered in class, but he always considers multiple viewpoints and listens to others. Angelputs his full effort into everything he does and understands the intrinsic value of learning. It has been an absolute joy having him in class!"
– Ms. Magoffin, English
"Angel is a real joy to have in class! he is consistently engaged, kind and caring in Empowering Entrepreneurs. Whether on a project with his team, or collaborating with business partners, he communicates with ease and a high degree of emotional intelligence. As a motivated and driven student, he is a real asset to the 10th grade cohort and the Academy as a whole. I look forward to his future successes."
- Mrs. Brisard, Business
"Angel is Awesome! He has really shown up this year, bringing his A game to a difficult learning situation. He is insightful, participates fully in all class activities, respectful of his peers and teachers. Angel's work is exemplary. And because he has his camera on we have gotten to watch his hair grow throughout the semester!"
- Ms. Summers, History
"Angel is the only student who has his camera on every day, which makes him very special. He always says good morning. He asks questions when he doesn't understand something and he answers when I ask a question. He is always engaged and interested in what we do in Chemistry. His effort in class in phenomenal! He shows enthusiasm for learning, even through Zoom, even in Chemistry."
- Ms. Bartick, Chemistry
Jarizbeth Roman - 11th grade
"Jari has been great about asking thoughtful questions to deepen her understanding. She also demonstrates perseverance in the face of difficulties, and seeks out assistance when she needs it. She models excellent engagement and participation."
- Ms. Jones, Math
"Jarizbeth is an outstanding student. She is clearly motivated to excel in her classes and also help other. In Advanced Accounting, She was one of the three students who passed the exam for an industry-recognized certification from Intuit. She also was instrumental in the success of her team's research project. In AVID, she is consistent in her thorough college research and completing assignments well and on time. "
- Mrs. Brisard, Advanced Accounting and AVID
"As but one small example of why Jarizbeth is deserving of such recognition is the fact that, in addition to submitting outstanding work in American Literature, she has requested a personal copy of Norton Anthology of American Literature so that she might continue her studies over the summer. Her dedication to continued study is ever present and evident in her work."
- Dr. Weise, English